Biophysica Incorporated

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PPM Per Hour

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There are 8 factors which unpredictably affect the production of colloidal mineral waters. The electrolysis process is powered by current per square inch at the surface of the electrodes, which for highest quality should not exceed 1 milliampere (mA) per SQINCH. Lower currents levels will unduly prolong the process, but will give you higher quality. Through our 12/7 hotline, we can support you to master this “winemaking like” process.

  1. Applied Voltage. Higher voltage helps during the rising phase, and overcomes the resistance of pure water (Ohm’s Law) Current = Voltage/Resistance = Voltage x Conductivity.  Our higher voltage generators allow for very rapid rise of initial current up to your final desired plateau level, so as to speed up the productivity.
  2. Current in mA. Current is what does the work of etching off atoms from the metal plates.
  3. Conductivity of water in microsiemens (uS). Purest water will initially have very low conductivity (High resistance).
    As more atoms are released, water conductivity rises, so more current can flow to release more atoms. Conductivity is an indirect indicator of PPM (1 PPM = 1.2 uS). Keep a record of microsiemens levels at first and as the process continues. Subtract the initial measurement from your current measurement to obtain the difference.
  4. Nature and source of water. Not all distilled waters are the same. Most are Ozonated.
  5. Volume of container. Bigger volumes require longer time to fully charge to your desired level of PPM.
  6. Electrode area. Bigger areas can be safely charge at higher maximum current levels, such as up to 100 mA with 6” x 8” plates.
  7. Separation distance of electrodes. Closer plates (such as 0.5 inches) will provide greater conductivity and will allow higher currents  during the rising phase. Then allow more separation such as 1 inch.
  8. Temperature of water. Water conductivity increases dramatically with higher temperatures.

Time(approximate) to reach 25 ppm once you have overcome the rising phase, and achieved continuous target microsiemens plateau current level of 2 milliamperes per square inch of electrode area in various volumes of water. Initial current will be much lower due to low conductivity of distilled water (Ohm’s law). Our more powerful generators have higher voltages to overcome this initial resistance
For higher quality, (smaller nanoparticles), use 1 rather than 2 milliamperes per square inch of electrode area, which will double the processing time.

Electrode, inches Area, SQINS Current Range (min-max) 1 Gallon
at 25 PPM
2 Gallon at 25 PPM 3 Gallon at 25 PPM 5 Gallon at 25 PPM 10 Gallon at 25 PPM 20 Gallon at 25 PPM 50 Gallon at 25 PPM
1 x 6 6 6-12 mA 60 hrs 120 hrs 180 hrs 300 hrs 600 hrs 1200 hrs 3000 hrs
2 x 6 12 12-24 mA 2 PPM/hr
= 12 hrs
1PPM/hr = 25 hrs 36 hrs 60 hrs 120 hrs 240 hrs 600 hrs
6 x 8 48 48-96 mA 8 PPM/hr
= 3 hrs
4 PPM/hr = 6–8 hrs 9 hrs 15 hrs 30 hrs 60 hrs 150 hrs
6 x 12 72 36-144 mA 12 PPM/hr =
2 hrs
6 PPM/hr
= 4 hrs
6 hrs 10 hrs 20 hrs 40 hrs 100 hrs

Thanks for visiting.

Dr. John Stewart

Category: Biophysica