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Company History, Dr. John Stewart - Bio Books about Colloidal Water Guest Lectures and Presentations Independent Laboratory Analysis Water Related Formulas and Conversions

Guest Lectures and Presentations

The recent and forthcoming next lectures by Dr Stewart will be:

  • Feb 17, 2010 on "The Metaphysics of Time" in Toronto (OISE, University of Toronto)
  • Feb 22, 2010 on "The Metaphysics of Time" in Hamilton
  • March 23, 2010 on "Chaos and Fractals in Everyday Life" in Toronto (OISE, University of Toronto) 7 pm
  • March 30, 2010 on "Intelligent Design?"  in Hamilton 7 pm
  • April  2010 on "Intelligent Design?"  in Toronto (OISE, University of Toronto)
  • May 2010 on "Love" in Hamilton and in Toronto (OISE, University of Toronto)

Video of public lecture on Colloidal Silver 
by Dr. John Stewart

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My areas of interest are:

Disinfection Water Ionizers
- for Swimming Pools / Fountains
- for Drinking Water
- for Cooling Towers
- for Marine Ballast Tanks
- Other
Colloidal Water Generators
- for Residential/ Domestic Usage
- for Commercial/ Industrial Use

Electronic Descalers/ Softeners
-for Residential/ Domestic Use
-for Commercial/ Industrial Use  

Electronic Medical Devices
-ElectroMedical Devices


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