It is now believed by nutritional scientists that the metallic elements Silver, Gold, Zinc, Copper, Magnesium as well as other rarer elements like Selenium are essential for our well-being and maintenance of body systems. Like many other minerals, they have always been present in our food but in diminishing amounts in recent decades.
For each element there is a minimal daily requirement. In the case of Silver, Selenium, Chromium, Iodine and Molybdenum this is around 100 micrograms (0.1 milligrams). For Zinc it is 100 milligrams. For magnesium it is 600 mg. Gold is also likely essential but its requirements are unknown.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that the concentration of silver in public drinking water supplies not exceed one milligram per liter of water — one part per million — because of the skin discoloration that may occur from chronic silver exposure.
Without such ultra-trace essential minerals, our ability to resist disease is seriously compromised. Colloidal Silver products, except in the Hydrosol form, have not been approved for sale in Canada. Our colloidal generators will make all of these colloidal mineral waters for water disinfection purposes. We do not sell the colloidal waters.
Safety of Colloidal Silver:
It has been established by EPA (CASRN 7440-22-4) that it is safe to ingest a daily quantity of 350 mcg (micrograms) This is the amount that is contained in one ounce (30 ml) or in six teaspoonfuls of 10 ppm colloidal silver. 10 ppm is generally produced by 10 hours of charging pure water. 25 ppm is generally produced by 25 hours of charging pure water. 3 teaspoonfuls of 25 ppm contains 375 mcg. It is recommended here not to exceed these doses.
In Canada, no swimming pool silver systems can be sold and copper systems are available only through our Health Canada approved agent using the AT-40, registration No 25505